
Getting ready for another dream trip! This time with mia famiglia

Hello readers!

It’s been a while – oh yes indeed. Sorry about that.  But you know me, my blogs are about my travels and there’s another trip coming up.  In one month’s time today, Zorba (aka Husband Andrew) and I leave for bella Italia.  We are stopping overnight in Dubai staying in a relatively fancy hotel, before flying into Milan. From Milan we will catch the train directly to Monterosso SP on the Cinque Terre.  From there we will train it to Roma and have four wonderful days in my favourite Italian city before meeting the family.

Mum, Dad (both 65 years old), my sister Susie (almost 38), my brother in law Ben (36), and my gorgeous niece Indianna (5) and nephew Sam (3) will be meeting in Rome.   After picking up two hire cars, we will be driving to Umbria where we are staying in a gorgeous looking stone farmhouse villa. Check out our Umbrian farmhouse villa – yup, it looks amazing!  I just hope it is as nice in real life as it is online — please, please, please be true!

After a week in Umbria, we will be driving back to Rome and flying to Catania in Sicily.  From there Mum is still figuring out the logistics of how we are all going to travel onto Taormina.  Taormina is one of the most beautiful Sicilian towns – built high up on the rocky cliff, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea…oh it is just simply gorgeous!  We have another villa just outside Taormina, near the cable car that can take us up the hill to the town centre. The Taormina villa is in a complex – so we have to share the pool and ‘private beach’.  It’s more like a private few rocks that look a little precarious, but we’ll see.  I wonder how we will go there without space for the kids to run themselves tired.  Time will tell!  Check out our villa here

This holiday is going to be different to the holidays I’m used to – having the family altogether will be fabulous.  But having to cater to the needs of a Miss 5 and Master 3 will be an adjustment.  But one that Aunty Di (me!) is looking forward to.  All of us together in the mother country, it is going to be awesome!

Indi and Sam practising their cappuccino drinking skills before our family holiday to Italia

After Taormina, Mum, Dad, Zorba and I say bye-bye to Susie, Ben and the kids as they head straight back to Melbourne.  We fly to Rome and have one last night in Rome.  From there, Mum and Dad fly home.  Zorba and I will then go to Barcelona for four days, then onto London for five days before heading back to Perth.

Living the Dream – again x 2!  The countdown is on, T -30 days.

p.s. I’m going to play around with the format of this blog – so don’t be alarmed if it looks different. Ciao! Di x

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