
Travel Resources

This page contains useful links for travel.

I may receive a commission if you book through any of these links.




Transfers claims to be the number one marketplace in the world for booking transfers, long distance travel, cab rides, hourly chauffeured car rentals and delivery services anywhere in the world. Unique and available before payment: best prices, vehicle ratings, hospitality ratings, car photos and descriptions.


Travelling from A to B

Rome2Rio is the ultimate travel planning tool that provides the quickest, cheapest and most convenient transport options to get from A to B—anywhere in the world. With travel information from over 12,000 local transport operators in 10 million locations across 240+ countries and territories, Rome2Rio has got the world, and you covered. It’s super handy and I’ve used it loads – and I’ve just learnt, it’s Australian!



Or try YESIM or the one I’ve used on my last two trips to Italy, SimsDirect.