Podcasting is hugely popular. But it wasn’t until my lovely friend Amanda Kendle from Not A Ballerina blog started her Thoughtful Travel Podcast did I start listening to them. And to be honest, I only really listen to hers because…

Podcasting is hugely popular. But it wasn’t until my lovely friend Amanda Kendle from Not A Ballerina blog started her Thoughtful Travel Podcast did I start listening to them. And to be honest, I only really listen to hers because…
Olinda is a pretty colonial UNESCO Heritage town next to Recife. If you are travelling to Recife, I recommend staying in Olinda. It’s quieter, far, far, prettier than Recife, and easily accessible to the major city Recife, it’s airport and bus…
Olinda in North East Brazil, adjacent to Recife, is very cute and very small. You could walk along every single street in the UNESCO heritage town centre in just a few hours, if you strolled. There are plenty of places…
After a traumatic travel experience just getting to Brazil thanks to Copa Airlines overbooking flights that left us stranded in Panama City, I was on the biggest natural high to be at our first game Italy v England in Manaus. Relief,…